tiperos píše:
Neviete mi niekto poradit, kde na akej stranke by som nasiel, mena hlavnych rozhodcov k zapasom ? Samozrejme pred zaciatkom, lebo po zapase mame aj tu na webe. Dakujem
A four-man umpire crew will usually work the same baseball series throughout and simply rotates clockwise from 3B (third base) to HP (home plate). For example, today's first base umpire will work behind home plate tomorrow with today's home plate umpire moving to third base tomorrow. Some umpires call a baseball game much differently than others in terms of balls and strikes, favoring certain starting pitchers more than others and often affecting how many runs are scored and whether a total goes over or under the number set by a sportsbook.
Bohužel ke konkrétnímu infu se dostaneš maximálně pár desítek minut před zápasem.